The statutes of the Belgian Society of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology (Société Belge de Toxicologie et d’Ecotoxicologie, Belgische Vereniging voor Toxicologie en Ecotoxicologie, BelTox) were published in the “Moniteur belge, Belgisch staatsblad” of 15-06-1989, N 007154.

No of the Society: 715489
Enterprise no: 439308941

The statutes of the Society were deposited at:
Rechtbank van Koophandel
Britse Tweedelegerlaan 148
1190 Vorst – Brussel

Registered Office:
Avenue de Broquevillelaan 116
1200 Brussel

On 29-03-2024 the “Moniteur belge, Belgisch staatsblad” published the last amended statutes (NL).

A French and Dutch version of these modified statutes are available in attachment :