Preliminary remarks

Access and use of this website are subject to the general conditions of use set out below. These conditions of use contain legal information concerning the visit and use of the website, a declaration on intellectual property rights and a reference to the regulations on respect for privacy. We invite you to read these conditions of use carefully before visiting the website or using it in any way. By continuing to visit the website or by using it in any way, you expressly accept these terms of use. If you encounter troublesome elements when reading these conditions or if you do not agree with their content, we ask you not to visit or use this website.


In the context of the application of these conditions of use, the meanings of the following terms apply:

  • ‘Website’: the BelTox web pages which can be found at
  • ‘The user’ or ‘you’ and the terms resulting therefrom: any person who uses or makes use of and / or who visits or makes visit the website.

‘BelTox VZW/ASBL’ holding the domain name whose social data are included in these conditions.

Legal information

1. BelTox VZW/ASBL

This website put online under the responsibility of:

Avenue de Tervueren 188A
4th floor
1150 Bruxelles
VAT no.: BE 0439.308.941

2. Application domain

These conditions of use describe the conditions under which BelTox grants you access to its website and the services it offers.

3. Content and use of the website

As a user, you accept that the use of this website and the information contained therein is exclusively at your own risk. The website and all the information it contains are available ‘as is’ and without any guarantee whatsoever being provided.

BelTox makes all reasonable efforts to offer correct and up-to-date information on this website. When BelTox is informed of the possible presence of errors or inaccuracies on this website, all reasonable means are used to remedy them as quickly as possible. Despite all our efforts, errors and mistakes may still remain. BelTox cannot in any way guarantee that its website is updated and contains no errors at any time and under all conditions. This is the reason why, as a user, you are advised to check the information beforehand with the interested third party from which this information comes.

BelTox cannot be held responsible for any disadvantage that you may incur as a result of erroneous, inaccurate or missing information or as a result of a lack of clarity on this website or on a third-party website to which it is referred to. In addition, you accept that downloading information or obtaining information in any other way as a result of using the website is done on your own initiative and under your own responsibility. You are solely responsible for any damage to your computer and any loss of any data that results from downloading information.

As a user, you therefore accept that:

  • This website is of a general nature and does not aim to satisfy the specific situation of a natural or legal person.
  • The description of the products or services is not necessarily complete or exhaustive.
  • Reference is made to third party websites over which BelTox has no control and for which it therefore rejects any form of responsibility.
  • This website does not contain any offer which could constitute any contract by the simple acceptance of the user.

Consequently, you cannot hold BelTox responsible for any disadvantage resulting from the use of this website if you have not taken the above-mentioned limitations into consideration.

4. Links to external web pages

When we are warned of the presence of any harmful content on a link, said link is examined and, if necessary, deleted.

5. Modifications to the website

BelTox has the right to modify the information on its website at any time and therefore to adapt, update or modify the provisions of these conditions. It is your responsibility to regularly browse the provisions, conditions, notices and possible additional conditions of this website yourself. If you continue to use this website after the date of entry into force of the said modifications, you are deemed to have accepted the said modifications. In addition, BelTox rejects any form of responsibility for any damaging consequences that may result from changes to the content of this website or these conditions.

6. Operation of the website

BelTox makes every effort to make this website available uninterrupted (accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day) and to protect it with all reasonable means. BelTox implements all reasonable means to limit as much as possible the inconvenience caused by technical errors. BelTox cannot exclude the possibility that bad technical or unauthorized interventions may occur or that viruses infect the site. As a result, BelTox cannot guarantee that access to its website will not be interrupted or disturbed in any other way. Consequently, you cannot hold BelTox responsible for such malfunctions, errors, incidents and problems that could result from any generally any use of this website or the website of a third party to which it is referred. In addition, you acknowledge that BelTox is entitled to interrupt, at any time and without prior warning, access to its website to identify or prevent possible cases of abuse or fraud or to remedy technical or operational malfunctions. Such interruptions are also necessary to make changes and improvements to this website, as well as to ensure regular technical maintenance and updating of information. You cannot hold BelTox responsible for any direct or indirect damage suffered in the event of such an interruption. BelTox can at any time and without notice stop or delete its website.

7. Your user obligations

In addition to the provisions of the other conditions of use, you agree, as a user, in particular to:

  • Use this website as a good father, that is to say in a reasonable way.
  • Do not use this website in a manner contrary to the provisions of these conditions of use.
  • Avoid causing harm, due to careless use of this website or ill-intentioned use in any way whatsoever, to the content of the website, not to make unauthorized modifications, not to cause malfunctions or unavailability (temporary or permanent) of this website, and not to contribute in any way whatsoever to any incident liable to cause damage to BelTox or to third parties.
  • Do not use this website for illegal purposes, insults to public order or morality or with the objective of damaging the reputation of BelTox, its website or third parties.
  • Do not introduce on this website other websites, logos, photos or other elements, do not create hyperlinks or connections with other websites without the express, written and prior authorization of BelTox.

When BelTox finds or reasonably suspects that you have violated one of the above-mentioned provisions or any other obligation resulting from the provisions of the other conditions of use, BelTox is entitled to prohibit you access to its website without prior warning.

Intellectual property rights

You accept and acknowledge that this website may contain software, photos, representations, graphics, drawings, text and any other material (hereinafter referred to as “information”) which are protected by the intellectual property rights of BelTox or third parties. As a user, you receive from BelTox a non-exclusive right to use this website for strictly personal purposes. This means that you can visit the website and download the information, that you can read this information and reproduce and use it as part of the services offered on this website. Any authorized use of the information implies that the source of the information is always mentioned in a visible and clear manner. Subject to the above, it is prohibited to copy, adapt, translate, sell, rent, lend, communicate to the public this website and its content or create derivative works from the above-mentioned elements, totally or partially, in any way whatsoever or on any medium whatsoever, without the express, written and prior authorization of BelTox.

Protection of private data

We take great care to protect the private data you provide to us. On this website you will find our Privacy Policy.

To contact us

If you would like further explanations or any clarification regarding these terms of use, please send an email to the address:

We will make every effort to resolve any misunderstandings, complaints, technical or operational problems concerning this website or the quality of its content within a reasonable time.

Legality of the conditions of use

The nullity of one or more provisions of these conditions of use does not affect the validity, applicability and binding nature of the other provisions. If one or more provisions are found or declared invalid on the basis of a law, regulation or a final pronouncement by a competent court, the force and scope of the other provisions will remain intact. The invalid provision is then replaced by a new provision capable of reproducing as much as possible the initial objectives of the invalid provision.

The provisions of these conditions of use are without prejudice to legal, regulatory or binding provisions and to the provisions of public order under Belgian or European law. Regarding the applicability of these conditions of use and their relationship to other legal texts drafted by BelTox, we refer you to the provisions of the point above: 2. Application domain.

Applicable law and competent courts

These conditions of use are governed by Belgian law. The user accepts that only the courts and tribunals of Belgium are competent for any dispute concerning the application or interpretation of these conditions of use.