In collaboration with Prof. Pieter Annaert of the KULeuven, BelTox is organizing a course on physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modelling (PBPK) on October 25th 2024.  This course will take place at the Gasthuisberg Campus of the KULeuven.  It will consist of  a morning session with three lectures as well as a hands-on presential training in the afternoon.

The three speakers of the morning session will be:

  • Pieter Annaert (KULeuven)
    Basic concepts in PBPK modelling
  • Flora Musuamba Tshinanu (University of Namur and EMA working group member)
    Regulatory aspects of PBPK modelling
  • An Vermeulen (J&J and University of Ghent)
    Industry perspective of PBPK modelling

In the afternoon session, the hand-on training will focus on the use of the publicly available tool PK-SYM.

Prices :

  • Morning session live (on campus only) at KUL as BelTox member : 120€
  • Morning session live (on campus only) at KUL as non-BelTox member : 200€
  • Full day live at KUL as BelTox member : 360€
  • Full day live at KUL as non-BelTox member : 460€