The first course module on Principles of Toxicology, jointly organized by BelTox and UCLouvain, took place in the week of February 18th 2019 at the Louvain House on the University campus of Louvain-la-Neuve. The training programme consisted of a theoretical part (3.5 days) and a practical part (1.5). The theoretical part covered most essential sub-disciplines of toxicological sciences given by lecturers experts in each respective field.
The course was attended by 18 participants from industry, consultation, authorities and academia. Their background was very diverse and ranged from civil engineer to medical doctor. The feedback was very positive. Especially the practical exercises (one with a pharmaceutical led by Miranda Cornet and one with an industrial chemical led by Mark Martens) were very much appreciated. Beside the practical exercises that were given during the course, a home work will also be completed by the end of March. This home work consists of a 10-20 page manuscript on a subject in toxicology selected by the participants and discussed with Dominique Lison during the afternoon of the last day of the course. An attendance certificate of this course will be procured when the home work is delivered. The course organization promised to provide feedback to the participants on their manuscripts.